Monday, October 30, 2006

Once again, Clarey sides with the racists against the capitalists!

So, "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey has given us this great post on Mexican reaction to the proposed American "border wall," which helps remind us that being poor should make you ashamed (I'm not sure if you're supposed to call out, "Unclean," or what.) And of course, as always the racial double standard is really striking: one wonders how such a fervent booster of Ireland can criticize a country because less than a mere tenth of its population are expats.

But the thing is, as seems often to occur, Aaron is taking a line here that, as far as I can tell, not a single major economist follows: so, what gives? After all, economists at Goldman Sachs - real economists, whose decisions affect how real real large amounts of real money are invested - are bullish on Mexico and think it'll become the world's sixth largest economy - bigger than the European ones, Korea or Vietnam - by 2050! The Economist predicted Mexico as the fifth largest economy by 2040 (using GS data; I'm not sure what they were using). And if you think, sure, 30, 40 years out, what's that worth - well, Mexico is one of the few third world countries that can now issue long term debt at almost first world interest rates, so, if you believe in capitalism and markets than it's pretty clear how capitalism is voting. How odd that Aaron Clarey doesn't know that, mere days after Mexico's first issue of thirty year bonds was pretty big economic news: wow, he's good at this stuff! For that matter, real economists - notably Jagdish Bhagwati, Mr. Brain-drain-emigration-models - would see Mexico's current emigration level as something for Mexicans to be optimistic about, a symptom of progess (I'm feeling lazy - you can find a recent summation of how this works from Kanbur and Rapoport (2005) J. Econ. Geog. 5: pp. 43-57).

Now, given Aaron's history of comments about Latin America and, for that matter, about Latino Americans, you might think, OK, I can guess why he's breaking with capitalism and economics here. And it might explain why Aaron Clarey thinks it's a big deal that China and India are putting out more engineering graduates (granted, of dubious quality) than is America, but doesn't even notice that Mexico, though smaller than America, is also heathily outpacing America in pumping out trained engineers.

It's nice to know that when Aaron's loyalties are divided between the jingoistic bigots and the capitalists, he knows which way he wants to jump!


So, way back in that Octber 6 post we pointed out that "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey appears to have the reading comprehension of a six-year old, but could at least look at pictures. But an alert correspondent points out that Aaron has already showed an inability to understand pictures in this post, titled "NEWS FLASH!!! WORLD"S TWO DUMBEST WOMEN FOUND!

Here, Aaroncriticizes Chicago for passing a minimum wage law essentially aimed at Wal-Mart, claiming that it will reduce employment. And indeed, while it turns out to be very hard to quantify the effect of minimum wage laws from real data, the theoretical arguments that they reduce employment are strong. Aaron then shows us a picture of the "world's two dumbest women" celebrating passage of the law.

And what do we notice? The women are wearing union local T-shirts. They are union members. Now, do organizations whose negotiating strength comes from withholding labor, benefit or suffer when it becomes more expensive to hire new workers? And if they benefit, are the women "dumb," or "cunning"?

Boy, I guess Ricardo and rent-seeking really are in those super advanced ec courses, the ones real economists take!

Our correspondent suggests that Aaron's real problem is that the "two dumbest women" are members of two groups - blacks and women - whom Aaron has been known to slime. But I disagree: I think in this case he's just genuinely ignorant!

But just to make everybody happy, we'll follow up with a post (above) where Aaron decided to side with the racists over the capitalists!

Friday, October 20, 2006

When is money not money?

"Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey spends a lot of time bitching about how academics contribute nothing to GDP and are useless (the word he generally uses is "academians," because he's illiterate, but you get the point).

Now, we can think of all kinds of reasons why that isn't true which are, y'know, complex and stuff. All that great technology that comes out of the academy, all those business startups near colleges and universities, the real income advantage conferred by academic training, the fact that all those economics professors make the big bucks by consulting for real world businesses, et cetera, and recognize that Aaron is a moron. But the thing is, Aaron's prejudice against academics is actually prima facie stupid because, as anyone even modestly intelligent who's ever been near a university will tell you, universities are large, impersonal corporations which provide a service for money.

For example, Harvard University's 2005 budget was $2.8 billion. And that doesn't include a lot of large sums -- like R&D money from government or private sources awarded to and spent by researchers there, much of the budget at Harvard affiliated hospitals, and so on. Or associated expenses, like living expenses and spending by members of the university community for textbooks and the like.

What sort of half-assed economist doesn't count three billion dollars as a
contribution to GDP?

Just wonderin'.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Again Aaron Clarey changes the link to his racist poston Latinos, so he can keep it up but keep it hidden from you, dear readers.

Why is making racist comments about Latinos so important to him?

Of course he also changes the link insulting most Americans and calling the poor "scum-bucket parasites," so ya gotta figure it's not just racist speech he values, it's also ignorant, offensive speech.

Ah, well. Time to start changing some of those links to the PDFs so you can come to the carnival and gaze, fascinated, like some sort of repulsive spider under glass. Or, more apt, like a teratoma in a formaldehyde jar: you look, cluck your tongue sadly, and think, in a better world, this twisted, repulsive thing would've been a man.

UPDATE: and the link moves again!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Virtue? A fig!

One of the joys of interacting with Aaron Clarey as this site sometimes causes, is the realization that he is even more amusingly stupid than we thought! For example, look at his posts here - magnificent! Who knew?

So, of course, many of you are aware that Aaron is involved in some amusing attempts to kill the free speech of this blog's principal. So, today we got to see his first big court filing on the case. And Aaron's counsel builds to a thrilling conclusion, in which he sums up the gravity of his charge by a lovely, isolated and boldfaced quotation on defamation from Act III, scene iii of Othello, beautifully attributed to "William Shakespeare."

That's right - Iago's speech! Beyond belief! Team Clareywatch has been rolling on the floor laughing. We like to picture Aaron with his counsel, Derek Smalls-like, open mouthed expressions of awe all around, thinkin', Wow, Shakespeare, deep. That'll kill them. And it does! I defy you not to crack up....

Here's a little aside for the monkey house since I know you guys are a little, um, literacy challenged. "Iago" is a character in Othello with few scruples and a talent for vicious untrue speech - a repugnant, worm-like man. Motivated in part by racial hatred, in part by misogyny, and mostly by deep jealousy toward talented and decent people, he plots against Othello. In act III, scene iii, he gives the speech Aaron gave to emphasize his case, in which he plays at gross emotional distaste for foul speech while at the same time indulging in it himself, trying to snare those around in his lies.

Brilliant, Aaron, just brilliant. I couldn't have picked it better for you myself.

We have to apologize for ever trying to parodize you here. Nobody can use your voice to make you sound as racist, ignorant and repulsive as you yourself can.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Now this is just plain weird

OK, all I can get from this post is, Aaron can't read (but he can look at pictures!) All due respect to Summers and what he may or may not have been trying to do, but what he did was say, maybe you couldn't really get that many more women in the hard sciences because maybe due to natural reasons having to do either with aptitude or lifestyle preference, women chose not to go into them, and so we maybe shouldn't shoot for full gender equity among (say) science faculty. And the left pushed back at him for questioning the orthodoxy of the idea that women should make up lots more of the faculty in top-flight hard science departments.

Aaron seems to've gotten it backward, and is taking the extreme left position. Which of course he'll entirely go the other way on as soon as he realizes it. Aaron's not smart enough to have an ideology but he wants to toe the line anyway...

I mean, leave aside the usual display of misogyny. You just gotta wonder how functionally illiterate a guy is who fundamentally got wrong something over which so much ink (and electrons) was spilled. Doesn't keep him from commenting on it though! And that, that is the Clarey leitmotif.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Hee, hee -- he changed the "Mexican Women" link again, can you believe it? I mean, he knows it's racist so he tries to hide it whenever we link - but it's important to him to keep the racist speech up there, he doesn't just delete! Amazing!

Look, sooner or later we'll just change all the links at right to links to the PDF cache.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Boyfriend of the year!

Looking for that special approach which will win you the ladies, noble young sir? Take your advice from "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey! Remember to badmouth all your ex-girlfriends as often as possible in public (PDF): it impresses future girlfrieds with the good choices you make and let's 'em know not to walk out!

And good first-date chat? Impress her with things you've learned from Aaron: like how women's liberation causes rape (PDF), how feminists aren't marriageable (PDF), or how stupider women look better (PDF).

She'll positively swoon!

UPDATE: A member of Team Clareywatch requests that we include this gem, a real winner! PERFECT date conversation - how could any woman not want this filthy scumbag romantic dreamboat?

Employee of the Month!

How do you make it in the business world, boys n' girls? How do you succeed where others fail? Easy! Take a tip from "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey! You publicly make comments like this and this about your coworkers (PDF, PDF) and like this about your clients (PDF)!

That's the kind of can-do spirit business loves!

Fifteen minutes

Well, it seems this website's principal figure has made it into print. Lessons? Wisdom? Don't ask us, ask somebody who earned his fifteen minutes in the sun by banging starlets.

But, let's just erase a couple Aaron Clarey mistruths, shall we?

Aaron would have you believe that this isn't about squelching free speech, but rather about people impersonating him. Nuh-uh. This blog stopped using Aaron Clarey's voice on the very day (June 19) that he first communicated to us that he didn't want it used; in fact, this blog has not used Aaron's voice at all since . But Aaron sent his summons which started the suit the article described on August 20 - more than two months later. This is about Aaron Clarey trying to silence speech he doesn't like, plain and simple.

And secondly, it didn't start with a call to Aaron telling him someone called him a racist -- it couldn't have. Because when Clarey first commented on this blog, nobody had called him a racist here. What panicked Aaron were links to his own speech -- links he still tries to hide. And that's what's getting him in trouble.

Man, Clarey can't even tell the truth when it's not on a blog!