Thursday, December 21, 2006

'Cause Uncle Joe, tells me so!

"Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey offers the following useful advice to up-and coming Iagoes economists:

When the elected legislature spends money on public works, in particular on public transportation, after hearing out specialists and public debate, you should look closely at the publicly available details of the finances, because rest assured the project is wasteful and stupid.

But when a totalitarian, unelected government spends money and commandeers private property for a public works project, in particular public transportation, without showing anyone anything and releasing what are generally understood to be doctored figures about the project's success, it's the right decision, and it's brilliant.

Incidentally, here at the Clareywatch, where we can't spray a seltzer bottle down the hall without soaking a bunch of atmospheric scientists Busby-Berkeley-style, we've been having a lot of fun with the latest batch of Clarey attempts to sound like a scientist - even appealing to "John Stossel" (no doubt quite the geophysicist) to refute the overwhelming consensus of the people who generate the data Clarey posts and to call, say, The Economist "idiots." Now we've talked on this before, and are getting requests to do so again, but, look - go talk to someone credible. Anyone looking to a guy who can't even read the graphs in his own purported area of expertise, to explain this stuff, is stewing in his/her own drool. Sorry, fanbase.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Aaah, Casual Wednesdays!

Usually, a man needs to look sharp: professional, alert, ready for anything the leftists might throw at him. "I don't worry 'cuz my wallet's flat," y'know? And I respect that and honor it.

But sometimes you find yourself softening up a little, and if you don't watch it, you find yourself endorsing longtime Democratic proposals. And that can prevent you from doing the things that need to be done, like, keeping an eye out for those "scum bag parasite" sneaky "poor" people buying filet mignon with food stamps, or helping people stupid enough to pay income tax on $10K. And that's why I like to kick back once in a while, relax, let myself hang out, y'know? Let's hear it for "Casual Wednesdays."

Monday, December 04, 2006

History is Bunk!

Once again, you can be educated by this post, in which Aaron Clarey, explaining why "real dictators are ALWAYS on the left," gives the amazing, previously undiscovered fact that
Hitler was a socialist. That's why they called it the National SOCIALIST Party.

I mean, who knew? Other amazing facts you can glean from the Clarey Method:
  • The People's Republic of China is a Republic run by the People.
  • Franco, Pinochet, Tsar Nicholas - all leftists!
  • East Germany was the democratic one.
  • Surprisingly, the Republic Of China also governs China.
  • The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a democratic republic.
  • The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is ... well, you know.
  • Great Britain is just great!
  • "Power drinks" are not just for weenies, in fact they do "give you wings."
Incidentally, there seems to be some question about how Aaron Clarey became "Captain Capitalism." Going theory here: frequently dropped on the head as an infant, combined with just unbelievable contempt for people who earn the title "Captain."

UPDATE: Wow, the laughs keep coming! Aaron responds to an operative from Team Clareywatch, questioning the intelligence of labelling the Nazis as leftists, with
But the nationalization of industry by the Nazi's would kind of make them live up to their political name's namesake.

Brilliant! Always stupider than you think possible. History is, it seems, bunk.

UPDATE UPDATE: Some of our usually kind supportive emailers from out there in cyberspace are expressing doubt that even Aaron is this stupid, despite lots of previous evidence. C'mon, guys, you could go look yourselves! But alright, just because I love you even when you're lazy farts, here's the PDF.

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: No I'm not going to PDF it, but, the comments have continued and gotten weirder. And ya gotta think: given all the comments Aaron blocks, man, it's weird what he lets through. Enjoy, all - down the rabbit hole.

Lots in one package

You gotta admire "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey for packaging as much hate speech as possible into a thin package. Right here, for example (PDF), he pulls off racism and sexism simultaneously while seasoning it with a little anti "Jesus freak" bigoty: a threefer! That's economic efficiency. Ya gotta appreciate the picture, so in case you're not clear on exactly what it is the "Mexican women or Chinese women" are willing to do for you, you know.

Ya gotta admire too -- few guys can so conveniently pull up soft porn pix of Chinese air stewardesses when they need them. Looks like Aaron's found an economically efficient alternative to dating, too.

Monday, November 27, 2006

More tasty exegesis of racism from Aaron Clarey!

Hey, everybody, crayons up now, it's contest time! And special thanks to "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey for giving us some credibility here: now you readers know that when we say he posted such-and-such and such-and-such a time, we're good for it!

So: On May 16, 2006, Aaron Clarey posted the following lovely item on his website, which he has since tried to bury:
Blacks Commit Disproportionately More Crimes than Whites,,2087-2179561,00.html
Why is it so hard to say? Why can't we address this like adults to solve the problem and be forth right [sic] about it? Oh, I forgot, because it's the truth. And the truth hurts. Especially when it harms the socialist movement

OK, let's do some exegesis now! The link is to an article discussing that in some areas of London, a plurality of people arrested based on evidence from hidden cameras (every libertarian conservative's delight!) is black.

So, right out of the gate Aaron is establishing his racist bona fides. He's going to use the behavior of blacks in London to say something about blacks in our society, since apparently race is much more deterministic of, say, people's criminal behaviors than nationality, society, etc. That racist assumptiuon isn't uncharacteristic of Aaron: he did it, for example, when he tried to say that Latino-lookin' guys in Minneapolis should be thought of as misogynists based on badly interpreted stats from Mexico. But, geez, it makes you think back a little uncomfortably on, say, things he's had to say about Africans, doesn't it? Of course, in this case he's right: everybody who's been among African-Americans knows about their strikingly universal love of fine tea and cheese, their reverence for the Queen, their love of soccer (which they sneakily call by a different name, just like they sneakily misspell words like "flavor" and "color") and cricket, their colorful argot ("boot" for "trunk," "trainers" for "sneakers," and "bobby" for "5-0," for example) and their quaint ethnic cuisine ("colcannon," "pigs-in-blankets," "haggis," and the like). But that's besides the point.

But then Aaron goes on to talk about how somehow, we don't discuss that there's a real disproportionate crime problem among minorities here in America. Which is, well, puzzling, because I think it would be difficult to read a major American newspaper for a week without finding some discussion of it, and it's a major theme of American art as well. And even if you accept the occasional evidence that Aaron Clarey basically can't read at an adult level, well, the culture has been so rife with this idea that if anything the discussion has been on how there's far too much portrayal of minorities as criminals rather than as heroes on TV and in pop culture. Hell, the only really new idea in the dialogue in forever has come from conservatives like Ward Connerly arguing that if anything we focus too much on the racial statistics. Even Aaron Clarey is not ignorant enough to think that what he's saying here is not unrealistically stupid.

So why's he say it? Well, because there's a population, sad to say, of low-browed, knuckle-walking, sloping-forehead, thick-necked Americans that are real real sure that all those nasty black people are getting away with something, and that's why they personally are being shafted, and if only the wool weren't being pulled over everyone's eyes by the liberal media, they'd get it. And that's Aaron's core audience, and here he is, reaching out - so nakedly that even he has tried to hide it. He's quite happy to smear minorities to make the fan base happy, until somebody notices it.

And he tells you as much with his clincher. Aaron, why exactly would a more criminal picture of black Americans harm "the socialist movement"? What exactly are you implying there? Care to elaborate, PILM?

I'm thinking, not.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Running teasers!

Hey, everyone, just wanted to remind you that in the next couple of days we'll be discussing Aaron Clarey's 5/16/06 post on the criminal tendencies of blacks, another fine blog post which he's been hiding away, no doubt out of modesty regarding his ... brilliance.

We're proud to bring you this fine feature because here at the Clareywatch we occasionally get comments to the effect of, "c'mon, Aaron Clarey is a fool, but no racist!" and then people read that great post on Latinos in the Minneapolis social scene and rethink. And then read s'more context, and rethink more. And then read his views on women, on Katrine victims, on ... well, let's just say there's so much depth to the guy that our readers can appreciate.

But we know that the monkey house feels differently, and we've invited them to explain why that post on Latinos isn't racist. So, here's your chance, guys! If you can write a really good explanation of why that post, and the "blacks and crime" post, aren't racist, then go for it! I'd be happy to change my mind in the face of a good, convincing explanation. Of course, I don't think you can pull that off, but frankly I think you need the practice. Remember, spelling counts! Sharpen up your crayons now!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Against the Day!

Now, it is definitely a celebration occasion here at the Clareywatch, since Thomas Pynchon has released a new novel, and that makes us deliriously happy. So, we're going to do a couple of things for you here.

First, in the next week, we'll give you, right on the blog (not as a PDF!) the text of Aaron's May 16, 2006 post on the criminal tendencies of blacks! That's right, right here for your edification! (To be honest it's not that we're so great, it's that it's real short so we can suck up typing it in.) The exegesis of that great piece of "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey's writing on Latinos was so much fun, after all, so, let's do more!

Second - the monkey house is back open! Expect the lovable, stupid inmates to come throw feces for your entertainment soonest!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Aaron Clarey, Man of Steel!

So, here at the 'Watch we've been meaning to post something on, just what the hell is "Captain Capitalism Aaron Clarey's political philosophy? We've thought of it as a kind of Stalinism, exemplified by his praise of the horse sense of the common, blue-collar man coupled with a sort of contempt for him and a certainty that he shouldn't be running things, a certain, um, tendency to try to bury his past statements, a certain Belinskyesque view of how art and culture serve the state - all that. And we wanted to comment on his "libertarians for national ID cards!" writing here, where he says with regards to Mexican immigration,

Oh no, I'm completely for the free movement of labor and capital.

My issue is the issue of illegality COMBINED WITH a big movement on the left to get illegal aliens to vote.

If we had a national ID card, then I would be against the wall. But right now the sovereignty and integrity of the nation trumps any economic gains (great as they may be) of the free flow of labor. ie-capital can't vote, illegal aliens can.

I mean, that's so small-government libertarian, isn't it? My issue is, the government says it's wrong. We need a national ID card. The government needs to look out for the "integrity of the nation." Like, pure distilled Hayek, right? And we're trying to figger out how to praise this wisdom, when suddenly Aaron comes along today and gives us a great big paean to Stalinism (PDF)!

I mean, hey, yeah, who can not praise the Chinese government's great ability to do the right thing for their country by force! Like, when they take organs from all those prisoners who gave them up out of remorse for having committed the crimes the government falsely accused them of, and sell them to foreigners, that's certainly making "the right decisions," no wonder Aaron Clarey is "envious"! And he's certainly right to praise their decision to build a huge dam that may be an economic and environmental nightmare - no way to know, since of course they won't show you data. After all, what could be nearer and dearer to a conservative or a libertarian heart than the government taking away a lot of people's property to give to a state-controlled venture? What conservative couldn't praise a communist government for building walls to help keep people from fleeing starvation in totalitarian lands! Man, it's like Aaron Clarey is channeling Reagan! He's so smart! You go, China! Mr. Hu, build up that wall! And frankly North Korea is much more helpful than Mexico, no? They know how to deal with people trying to violate Chinese soveriegnty! I bet once there's a wall they'd be happy to help by patrolling their side with dogs, and guns, and maybe some kind of special secret police!

And of course, Clarey points out that it's all because they don't have to deal with a Sierra Club or ACLU. Of course, our government doesn't have to deal with those guys either, it's just that they have ways of getting their message out, whereas in China the government muzzles free speech - and here at the Clareywatch, we know how Aaron hates free speech.

Nothing to criticize there, comrades! Our only little nitpicky complaint is that once again, Aaron Clarey seems to be showing that first-grade reading comprehension with

Meanwhile it took Bush, what, 6 years to get us to AGREE to build the fence?

Uh, Bush didn't want the fence ... stupid. Bush is the guy who, as governor of Texas, stood up to Pete Wilson's maneuvers to deny services to illegal immigrants, and protected those services. Bush wants a guest worker program, and they crammed the fence down his throat.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Not all stingy bastards - just one!

So, in this post, "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey points out that people are unfair to criticize the American government's monetary donations in the wake of the Christmas 2004 tsunami, since Americans donate so much money abroad. And it's a good point. The charitable response of the American people makes one proud. The principal of this blog, for example, tossed cash worth about 1% of his pre-tax income into a collection site at a place of worship, to help the victims, and many other people did more. Of course I realize that that claim is conveniently non-provable (and non-deductible), but nobody's really going to question it; it's in character, and besides, we all know people who did more or less the same, because the scale of the catastrophe was so horrifying.

And that's really a testament to the Pathetic Ignorant Little Man, isn't it? Because, given the comments he's made about foreign aid, about the world's poor, about America's poor - hell, about all but the richest 40% of Americans - it simply defies belief that Aaron Clarey put so much as a quarter in a tin can for the tsunami's victims. Hell, Clarey is so repulsive that he almost brags that he doesn't give to charity; press him on it, and I'm sure he'll feed you some crap about how he's contributing to GDP and that's really what helps those people.

And that's quite an achievement, isn't it? I mean, how many people do you know, who are so subhuman, that you would be skeptical if they told you, "I ponied up $20 for the Indian Ocean tsunami victims."? And yet at the same time, the guy bitches and moans about how wrong it is to call us stingy because people - other people - are so generous to those in need? Bravissimo, Aaron! You're one unique dude.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Simply amazing

So, we've often noted how "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey, having gotten busted here for that racist post on Latino Americans, keeps changing the name: he clearly wants to hide it, presumably since it contains no real content but a racial slur, but also wants to keep it up there, presumably since it contains no real content but a racial slur: he knows who his audience is and wants to please 'em, but doesn't want decent normal Americans to know what he thinks. OK; this has been a real exercise in learning that Clarey is a worse human being than even we thought he was. (Fun project on the burner: a slide show of all the versions of that post). And he's done similar things with other posts, like the one trashing all but the richest 40% of Americans.

But, can you believe it, he's doing the same thing with the post trashing Katrina victims, too! The original is here, but he's rewritten it here (or the PDF is here).

And, man, it totally fools everybody!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Build a memorial to the unknown taxpayer!

By the way, we've been meaning to call attention to this item here.

Pardon for quoting the blogger, who writes

...[Clarey] took a call from a guy who is a Vietnam Era veteran. After asking Clarey his age and marital status (31, unmarried), this guy suggested that Clarey trot down to the local recruiter and sign up so he could take his energy and do just what he was suggesting.

Well, Clarey sorta danced around the suggestion, saying that he paid plenty of taxes and that was pretty much equivalent to serving in the military. Besides, he added, he had been to the recruiter, but balked when told he'd be best suited to be a logistics officer.

A couple of other callers phoned in and didn't seem all to happy with Aaron's reasoning about his taxes being a sufficient contribution for someone seemingly so fired up about fighting hard and strong. Clarey seemed a little less spirited after all those calls.

That got me thinking. What does it cost to send a soldier to fight in Iraq? I did a little Googling, and found this story. It seems that the cost of sending a soldier to Iraq for a year has gone up a lot, now reaching approximately $400,000. That's a lot of money. I wonder if a 2-hour-a-week talk show host and part-time ballroom dance instructor makes enough money to pay that much in federal income tax. Somehow, I doubt it.

Now, I certainly don't believe that a person has to join the military to be a patriot, although I'll call any man or woman who serves a patriot. I do believe, however, that a man who trumpets his determination that we fight and fight hard on the radio, while spending the rest of his time teaching folks how to Salsa, should not be claiming that his taxes are equal in any way to the service of the brave young men and women who risk their lives in our military.

The first caller I mentioned said, "It seems like you're one of those 'Let's you and him fight' kind of guys," to Clarey. I think Aaron needs to dust of his old economics texts and figure out how his federal tax dollars are equivalent to service in the military. I think his math's a little shaky on this one.

Ya gotta wonder, did the little fellow actually compare paying his taxes to serving the country in uniform? And, what, is he above being a logistics guy or something? 'Cuz we've got first-hand info here that if you want to just be a grunt and go remove IEDs, they'll let you do that (and even pay you a hefty bonus at the moment). So as always I find myself wondering, what kind of man awards himself a title, and what contempt does that show for the men and women who earn it?

Monday, October 30, 2006

Once again, Clarey sides with the racists against the capitalists!

So, "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey has given us this great post on Mexican reaction to the proposed American "border wall," which helps remind us that being poor should make you ashamed (I'm not sure if you're supposed to call out, "Unclean," or what.) And of course, as always the racial double standard is really striking: one wonders how such a fervent booster of Ireland can criticize a country because less than a mere tenth of its population are expats.

But the thing is, as seems often to occur, Aaron is taking a line here that, as far as I can tell, not a single major economist follows: so, what gives? After all, economists at Goldman Sachs - real economists, whose decisions affect how real real large amounts of real money are invested - are bullish on Mexico and think it'll become the world's sixth largest economy - bigger than the European ones, Korea or Vietnam - by 2050! The Economist predicted Mexico as the fifth largest economy by 2040 (using GS data; I'm not sure what they were using). And if you think, sure, 30, 40 years out, what's that worth - well, Mexico is one of the few third world countries that can now issue long term debt at almost first world interest rates, so, if you believe in capitalism and markets than it's pretty clear how capitalism is voting. How odd that Aaron Clarey doesn't know that, mere days after Mexico's first issue of thirty year bonds was pretty big economic news: wow, he's good at this stuff! For that matter, real economists - notably Jagdish Bhagwati, Mr. Brain-drain-emigration-models - would see Mexico's current emigration level as something for Mexicans to be optimistic about, a symptom of progess (I'm feeling lazy - you can find a recent summation of how this works from Kanbur and Rapoport (2005) J. Econ. Geog. 5: pp. 43-57).

Now, given Aaron's history of comments about Latin America and, for that matter, about Latino Americans, you might think, OK, I can guess why he's breaking with capitalism and economics here. And it might explain why Aaron Clarey thinks it's a big deal that China and India are putting out more engineering graduates (granted, of dubious quality) than is America, but doesn't even notice that Mexico, though smaller than America, is also heathily outpacing America in pumping out trained engineers.

It's nice to know that when Aaron's loyalties are divided between the jingoistic bigots and the capitalists, he knows which way he wants to jump!


So, way back in that Octber 6 post we pointed out that "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey appears to have the reading comprehension of a six-year old, but could at least look at pictures. But an alert correspondent points out that Aaron has already showed an inability to understand pictures in this post, titled "NEWS FLASH!!! WORLD"S TWO DUMBEST WOMEN FOUND!

Here, Aaroncriticizes Chicago for passing a minimum wage law essentially aimed at Wal-Mart, claiming that it will reduce employment. And indeed, while it turns out to be very hard to quantify the effect of minimum wage laws from real data, the theoretical arguments that they reduce employment are strong. Aaron then shows us a picture of the "world's two dumbest women" celebrating passage of the law.

And what do we notice? The women are wearing union local T-shirts. They are union members. Now, do organizations whose negotiating strength comes from withholding labor, benefit or suffer when it becomes more expensive to hire new workers? And if they benefit, are the women "dumb," or "cunning"?

Boy, I guess Ricardo and rent-seeking really are in those super advanced ec courses, the ones real economists take!

Our correspondent suggests that Aaron's real problem is that the "two dumbest women" are members of two groups - blacks and women - whom Aaron has been known to slime. But I disagree: I think in this case he's just genuinely ignorant!

But just to make everybody happy, we'll follow up with a post (above) where Aaron decided to side with the racists over the capitalists!

Friday, October 20, 2006

When is money not money?

"Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey spends a lot of time bitching about how academics contribute nothing to GDP and are useless (the word he generally uses is "academians," because he's illiterate, but you get the point).

Now, we can think of all kinds of reasons why that isn't true which are, y'know, complex and stuff. All that great technology that comes out of the academy, all those business startups near colleges and universities, the real income advantage conferred by academic training, the fact that all those economics professors make the big bucks by consulting for real world businesses, et cetera, and recognize that Aaron is a moron. But the thing is, Aaron's prejudice against academics is actually prima facie stupid because, as anyone even modestly intelligent who's ever been near a university will tell you, universities are large, impersonal corporations which provide a service for money.

For example, Harvard University's 2005 budget was $2.8 billion. And that doesn't include a lot of large sums -- like R&D money from government or private sources awarded to and spent by researchers there, much of the budget at Harvard affiliated hospitals, and so on. Or associated expenses, like living expenses and spending by members of the university community for textbooks and the like.

What sort of half-assed economist doesn't count three billion dollars as a
contribution to GDP?

Just wonderin'.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Again Aaron Clarey changes the link to his racist poston Latinos, so he can keep it up but keep it hidden from you, dear readers.

Why is making racist comments about Latinos so important to him?

Of course he also changes the link insulting most Americans and calling the poor "scum-bucket parasites," so ya gotta figure it's not just racist speech he values, it's also ignorant, offensive speech.

Ah, well. Time to start changing some of those links to the PDFs so you can come to the carnival and gaze, fascinated, like some sort of repulsive spider under glass. Or, more apt, like a teratoma in a formaldehyde jar: you look, cluck your tongue sadly, and think, in a better world, this twisted, repulsive thing would've been a man.

UPDATE: and the link moves again!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Virtue? A fig!

One of the joys of interacting with Aaron Clarey as this site sometimes causes, is the realization that he is even more amusingly stupid than we thought! For example, look at his posts here - magnificent! Who knew?

So, of course, many of you are aware that Aaron is involved in some amusing attempts to kill the free speech of this blog's principal. So, today we got to see his first big court filing on the case. And Aaron's counsel builds to a thrilling conclusion, in which he sums up the gravity of his charge by a lovely, isolated and boldfaced quotation on defamation from Act III, scene iii of Othello, beautifully attributed to "William Shakespeare."

That's right - Iago's speech! Beyond belief! Team Clareywatch has been rolling on the floor laughing. We like to picture Aaron with his counsel, Derek Smalls-like, open mouthed expressions of awe all around, thinkin', Wow, Shakespeare, deep. That'll kill them. And it does! I defy you not to crack up....

Here's a little aside for the monkey house since I know you guys are a little, um, literacy challenged. "Iago" is a character in Othello with few scruples and a talent for vicious untrue speech - a repugnant, worm-like man. Motivated in part by racial hatred, in part by misogyny, and mostly by deep jealousy toward talented and decent people, he plots against Othello. In act III, scene iii, he gives the speech Aaron gave to emphasize his case, in which he plays at gross emotional distaste for foul speech while at the same time indulging in it himself, trying to snare those around in his lies.

Brilliant, Aaron, just brilliant. I couldn't have picked it better for you myself.

We have to apologize for ever trying to parodize you here. Nobody can use your voice to make you sound as racist, ignorant and repulsive as you yourself can.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Now this is just plain weird

OK, all I can get from this post is, Aaron can't read (but he can look at pictures!) All due respect to Summers and what he may or may not have been trying to do, but what he did was say, maybe you couldn't really get that many more women in the hard sciences because maybe due to natural reasons having to do either with aptitude or lifestyle preference, women chose not to go into them, and so we maybe shouldn't shoot for full gender equity among (say) science faculty. And the left pushed back at him for questioning the orthodoxy of the idea that women should make up lots more of the faculty in top-flight hard science departments.

Aaron seems to've gotten it backward, and is taking the extreme left position. Which of course he'll entirely go the other way on as soon as he realizes it. Aaron's not smart enough to have an ideology but he wants to toe the line anyway...

I mean, leave aside the usual display of misogyny. You just gotta wonder how functionally illiterate a guy is who fundamentally got wrong something over which so much ink (and electrons) was spilled. Doesn't keep him from commenting on it though! And that, that is the Clarey leitmotif.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Hee, hee -- he changed the "Mexican Women" link again, can you believe it? I mean, he knows it's racist so he tries to hide it whenever we link - but it's important to him to keep the racist speech up there, he doesn't just delete! Amazing!

Look, sooner or later we'll just change all the links at right to links to the PDF cache.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Boyfriend of the year!

Looking for that special approach which will win you the ladies, noble young sir? Take your advice from "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey! Remember to badmouth all your ex-girlfriends as often as possible in public (PDF): it impresses future girlfrieds with the good choices you make and let's 'em know not to walk out!

And good first-date chat? Impress her with things you've learned from Aaron: like how women's liberation causes rape (PDF), how feminists aren't marriageable (PDF), or how stupider women look better (PDF).

She'll positively swoon!

UPDATE: A member of Team Clareywatch requests that we include this gem, a real winner! PERFECT date conversation - how could any woman not want this filthy scumbag romantic dreamboat?

Employee of the Month!

How do you make it in the business world, boys n' girls? How do you succeed where others fail? Easy! Take a tip from "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey! You publicly make comments like this and this about your coworkers (PDF, PDF) and like this about your clients (PDF)!

That's the kind of can-do spirit business loves!

Fifteen minutes

Well, it seems this website's principal figure has made it into print. Lessons? Wisdom? Don't ask us, ask somebody who earned his fifteen minutes in the sun by banging starlets.

But, let's just erase a couple Aaron Clarey mistruths, shall we?

Aaron would have you believe that this isn't about squelching free speech, but rather about people impersonating him. Nuh-uh. This blog stopped using Aaron Clarey's voice on the very day (June 19) that he first communicated to us that he didn't want it used; in fact, this blog has not used Aaron's voice at all since . But Aaron sent his summons which started the suit the article described on August 20 - more than two months later. This is about Aaron Clarey trying to silence speech he doesn't like, plain and simple.

And secondly, it didn't start with a call to Aaron telling him someone called him a racist -- it couldn't have. Because when Clarey first commented on this blog, nobody had called him a racist here. What panicked Aaron were links to his own speech -- links he still tries to hide. And that's what's getting him in trouble.

Man, Clarey can't even tell the truth when it's not on a blog!

Monday, September 25, 2006

I dream of Gini....

Which to believe, what Aaron says about Gini coefficients here, or here?

The best thing I can say about "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey: smart enough not to read himself.

But speaking of Gini coefficients -- maybe we'll do something on it soon.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Another brilliant research tip from Aaron Clarey!

Fascinating to see Aaron commenting on a movie about Muslims here and here and repeatedly bringing up the comments of a three year old girl to prove "how effed up these people are." Which is a pretty strong statement about a three year old girl but we already know Aaron doesn't shy from that kind of thing.

Now, as it happens, one of the principals here at the Clarey Watch knows a thing or two about three year old girls. And, they'll say anything. Ask 'em where hair comes from, some time - fascinating. They don't know what "kill" or "dead" mean - bless 'em - and have every kind of crazy idea there is. So there's a useful tip from Aaron! You want to prove something, anything, to support any thesis whatsoever: interview a three year old, then hold her up as "fucked up." It's a surefire research tool.

Probably even works for bigots!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

First, shoot the fish in the barrel

Of course, when "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey decides to go post in backface, how're we gonna let that go? So don't miss this post (or the PDF here) where Aaron puts on the voice of an imaginary reader:
Captain Capitalism Reader #3 – "Yo man. So I was like hangin with my homies and word up g, get dis. Al Sharpton comes up to me and says, "you know prices are coming down just because Bush wants his cronies getting re-elected." And I was like, "whoa, step-off man! That’s like crazy freaky sh!t because my man Captain Capitalism predicted you leftist perps would be push that sh!t on us, thinking we was some dumb flock o’ sheep willing to be brainwashed and follow you anywhere. Next thing you know you’d be saying some girl was raped by a bunch of white cops when she wasn’t. I owe it to my main man Captain C for keeping in the truth. Thanks Captain!"

Because, it's funny to make fun of how minorities talk! I certainly hope we get an Aaron Clarey rendition of Stepin Fechit! (and, you just gotta believe he does a good one!)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Ah, sweet sweet irony

What's so funny about this post is that "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey (and I wonder again, how much does some ass have to disrespect the military to award himself a rank?) is eager to display a PDF of somebody's racist post just in case they decide to hide it.

Because, of course, only a contemptible worm would post racist material - like on how we keep the high crime levels in black communities secret in order to promote socialism, or how Latino Americans mistreat women, or how Muslims are "sexually inadequate" - and then try to hide it when somebody links to it, right?


The title's pretty funny, too!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Keeping the biogtry on display

By the way - those links keep getting hidden away. So in case you have some burning need to see, say, bigotry from Aaron Clarey which tells religious folk that they are psychologically scarred and should just stay home instead of bothering normal folk, the (moved) original is here, and the PDF is here. Which is odd considering the further anti-Christian bigotry here, but hey, that post is weird for a lot of other reasons too, given comments elsewhere both expressing disgust for children and mocking the idea that there's anything wrong with, say, working a child in a factory all day. But OK.

By the way, you can still see the poor being called "greedy scum bucket parasites" here, or get the PDF here.

And that weird, unscientific loathing of all things African discussed here, can still be seen in the original here or in PDF here.

And he tried hiding the "Mexican Women" post here, but PDF's are below.

Those're the one's we've covered some. More tk!

And, here's a thought. If you're like the Clareywatch crew, you're probably chortling too hard over the patheticity of this muscial links thing to think this through right now: but bear with me. When a racist/offensive post is pointed out here, Aaron hides it away and sometimes gets rid of it, and the cache links. But then, he can choose to play the musical links game for things he really wants to preserve.

So one wonders: what's so important about preserving posts which have no economic or political content but mostly serve to slime a racial or ethnic group? Why are those posts so important to Aaron? Waht does that tell you?

Thursday, August 31, 2006

What's dumber than a mollusk?

Now, anyone who doesn't flat out admire "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey has to be won over by this post. Here, a guy who has repeatedly demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of how to do statistics, calling people "mollusks" for - wait for it - not doing statistics well! That, friends, is cojones. It is truly impressive. Let's go through the post a bit, shall we? This is a bit outside of the usual remit of this blog but fortunately there's some offensive speech, not just the usual brainless patter.

Now, a lot of people - even, say, buisness oriented folk - have found a lot of bad news in the Census report on poverty. But here he's picking on a left-leaning group's comments on it.

He begins by making fun of a graph showing how many more people are living in poverty in America over the past few years.: there has been almost a 20% increase -- not beanbag. He then says they had to "mainpuilate the scale on the Y-axis." Uh, no. In fact, real stats packages real economists use - and for that matter even the crappy Excel graphs Aaron uses - will do this by default. The natural Y-axis ranges basically over the same range as your data, no? More on axes later. A graph is designed to help you present your data, kiddies, and that's all - "the right way" to set it up is so what you want seen can be seen.

He says, well, of course there's more people who're poor, there's more people, isn't the rate the relevant number? And here, Deputy Bullshit Spotters, is the point to listen to your inner voice that says, "Is this moronic toad really trying to suggest the population of the United States went up by something like 20% between 2000 and 2005?" Because it didn't -- it went up, by the Census Bureau's estimates, about 5%. That means, a plot of the rates is going to look, well, pretty much like the plot of the absolute numbers, with pretty much the same trends - NOT flat. How does he make it look flat? He screws with the Y-scale. Excellent.

And here's something for all you stats wannabes out there. You want to compare to pieces of data graphically? Make sure you show them with the same scaling, whatever scaling you use. Anyone who doesn't, is hiding something, or perhaps stupid, or both.

Now, Pathetic Ignorant Little Man (PILM) Aaron goes on to worry about "context" - you see, it's not fair to look just at a short time scale. Of course, PILM himself often makes judgements about trends from even shorter time spans - like, for example, here. But never mind. So he shows a plot of the poverty rates beginning with 1959. Basically it shows a gentle falloff from the '50s to 1970 -- from which one might infer that things like the New Deal and Great Society worked OK. Aaron thinks that's the relevant context. Um, why, oh Deputy Bullshit Spotters, is it relevant to compare poverty rates now, to a time when the US was segregated, and half the anti-poverty measures in action now, weren't in place? This is the challenge of all data analysis: define the meaningful "context." But for a group like CAP looking at immediate policy effects and solutions it's hard to defend Aaron's concept of "context."

"Thus, official economists would come to the professional conclusion," (says the PILM, who is not an economist, contra just about every economist involved in policy anywhere in the political spectrum) "that 'People should shut the hell up and stop their whining. Poverty is not a problem in America.'"

But, hey, there's never been a problem, right? After all, Aaron Clarey is the one who said that
"I'm sick and tired of your greedy scum bucket parasites known as 'the poor' who think you have it so rough"
so, how can there ever have been a problem, eh? I mean, screw these people!

And that's in a way as offensive as anything Aaron has ever written, and goes back to the point below about guys sitting in their rooms playing Super Mario who have no idea how actual Americans think. My personal guess on that thinking being, that while we recognize that how you help poor people may be a complicated issue, there is a real and terrible poverty problem in America if just a few hundred thousand people - let alone 40 million - are in need, and we desperately want to help, and anyone who denies that vision is a moral cretin, more fit to be called a "retard" or "mollusk," simply for lacking that understanding, than anyone at CAP. And I don't think it's just "liberal" or "conservative" Americans who'd agree with that.

Moving on - he again takes a shot at assessing the administration's policy effects just by looking at the past 4-5 years instead of longer (uh...OK, you don't need me to point out the problem). But then he says, hey, incomes fell for a while because we're coming out of a recession. Which is funny, because Aaron has heaped scorn upon the idea that we're coming out of a recession! And because, OK, we're coming out of a recession, incomes are recovering - but poverty numbers AREN'T, which seems to be CAP's point, no? Note that on the graph the Census Bureau doesn't identify the "recession" the same way Aaron (now) does. It's interesting to note, by the way, that while median incomes are stangant or declining, mean (per capita) incomes are going up, so Aaron's graphs are actually not addressing the "somebody's getting screwed" question.

Lastly he hits on the idea that illegal immigrants might be causing the jump - and, well, I think you know how to handle that question, it's going to look a lot like how you clever folk handled the population question. You know, "Is the PILM really saying....?" That way.

And check out the apparatchiks in the comments. It is tragic that after all the good work on decent people like Philip Mangano and others showing how new ideas and approaches can help the poor and the homeless, there are still fools who will spit out invented statistics about the percentage of homeless that are mentally ill or the like. These are not, of course, "fact-oriented" people.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Ahhh, culture.....

There's not really anything I could add to satirize this weird equivalence of governmental structure, with "culture." In fact, it's about what you'd expect from a guy who seems to consistently think "standard of living" means "GDP per capita" -- after all, nothing measures quality of life like the mean amount of money in a place! But I mean, sure, everybody knows that "culture" means the same thing as "governance," right? I mean, when someone asks you about, say, "Japanese culture," the first thing you think of is their Parliament, no? All praise the political system that produced Shostakovich and Solzhenitsyn! Great culture, must've been great politics!

What can I say: that's what makes a PILM, a PILM. These are people beyond even Mencken's concept of a booboisie - ignorant, yes, but proud of it. This is "economic analysis" -- what do people want? what makes them happy? - from a source displays little ability to identify a Joe Henderson riff or a Schoenberg theme. These are folk who don't know Paul Auster from Paul Anka, William Gaddis from William Tell, Alvin Ailey from Alvin and the Chipmunks, Andrew Wyeth from Andy Griffith, Horace Silver from Mr. Ed, Washington Irving from Dr. J. (get it? Of course you do. Know where it's from? I know, I love y'all.) These are people so frickin' knowledgeable that they have probably never even felt the need to leave US shores, dammit. So, boy oh boy, that's some quality commentary.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Charity begins at home!

"Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey is shocked, shocked by a picture of putative Islamists carrying a sign praising Hitler and says, "The parallels between Hirohito's crazed Japan and radical islam carry me to the same solution Truman derived."

Brilliant, insightful analysis as ever. But sadly, the world isn't at Aaron's speed. Those damn pinko Commies would never let us give those Muslims what they deserve; if we nuked 'em there'd be a huge ugly international incident. Big diplomatic mess. That candy-ass Kofi would get involved.

Hey, wait! Maybe there's something we could do closer to home! That makes sense, by Aaron's always-impeccable logic, no?

A little Euripedes

Every man, is, after all, like the company he is wont to keep. Let's look at the company a little, shall we? I mean, who exactly is buying this stuff anyway? Who's reading Aaron Clarey, getting the message? Check out those second, third and fourth comments.

Now, Frequent Clarey Commenter Mahan is just so impressive. I mean, that projected child mortality rate - 75,000 per 100,000 - is just amazing. So much better than, say, the Cambodians could do at the killing fields. It really shows how inefficient those Commies are, no? And tells you right up front that Mahan is just so damn accurate and careful with those statistics, he is at least as good an historian as Aaron is an economist! Alfred Thayer is no doubt rolling over in his grave. Oh, and hey -- what exactly is up with these nutjobs who give themselves fake military ranks, anyway? And who knew that "the fauna" were such a threat! Run, bwana, the lions are coming!

But, wow, that's a bold stance - y'all are fools to try to help starving children. It's nice to see "Liar_Liar" - a friend of this blog, after all, who's shown up here to threaten your humble blogger, and call him names! - chiming in rapidly to agree. "[T]he african kids will hack you with a machette [sic] after they finish off their best friend." Wow. A sensitive, humane soul. Deep, man.

Ya gotta wonder -- just how much time do you have to spend alone playing "Mario Brothers" and reading comic books, to be so far removed from, y'know, the human species?

But you gotta leave to to the reader to decide if these are guys who spend their weekends alone in their underpants in dark rooms, in front of a box of Oreos, glaring at computer screens, hitting "refresh" every couple of minutes, waiting for responses.

I guess the apparatchiks are just agreeing, after all, with the guy who said, anyone who thinks they'd like to visit Africa is just brainwashed, and who called Africa a "shithole."

Maybe Euripedes is the wrong Greek, y'know? I mean, I'm not that clever. Maybe it's somebody else who said you could recognize folk when they speak....

Thursday, August 10, 2006

A quickie

Hey -- one of our correspondents here at the Watch dragged us over to look at Aaron's latest (PDF). And is going to bug us until we post. So, yeah, three points:
  • What the hell is wrong with the word "Alleged?" Does Aaron Clarey know something nobody else does?
  • The other bit singled out for special notice is, "We ... urge law enforcement authorities and elected officials to caution against stereotyping entire religious or ethnic groups...." Because of course "Captian Capitlaism" Aaron Clarey knows you've gotta be able to stereotype entire religious or ethnic groups.
  • "We're Sorry"? That's right, Aaron. If a nominal member of your religious/ethnic group does something wrong, you'd better apologize immediately. Because the whole ethnic group has done something wrong! Everybody knows that! Man, I'm still pissed that the blacks around here haven't all apologized to me personally over that OJ thing!
Now, get off my back, correspondent, I'm busy.

UPDATE: Hee, hee! As is PILM Aaron's tradition when we cotton on to his racist speech here, he has now changed the link repeatedly. But you have the PDF....

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Missing links?

Wow, here at the Watch we start linking to the Google cache of "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey's more repulsive speech, and suddenly somebody goes and tells Google to delete those cache pages, just like Aaron originally pulled the posts!

Well, now, we here are looking out for you. Since Aaron has insisted those aren't offensive speech, I'm sure he'd want you to be able to see them (and many others!) And I'd be happy to do you that favor. Besides, I'd want you to be able to see those pages so I'm not doing anything unfair! After all, when this site was all parody it referred to those posts as "interesting" or "daring," not, say, "racist," and I'd really rather not continue misrepresenting Aaron. And you should be able to judge for yourselves, no? So in case you're having a hard time finding the stuff (and of course, you can always contact me) that's gone missing, you can go ahead and find
  • That post on Mexican women discussed down below, here.
  • That post on Katrina refugees, here. (Oh, and check out his gratuitous reference to them as the "losers of Louisiana" here!).
And of course there's lots more in the ol' hard drive. People keep asking me to put up that post - you know, the crime one - but I'm saving it for a particularly wonderful occasion, and I'm really kind of behind the 8 ball with work right now. So we'll see.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Back to the tape

Re-examining the Google cache on that post about Latino Americans was, I think informative and fun, wasn't it? Let's try another post.

Just after the government issued Katrina refugees $2000 debit cards to cover
emergency expenses, Aaron posted this, his only statement on the subject.

All I said about it in the satiric part of the blog was, it was Aaron's "message to the Hurricane Katrina refugees." And in retrospect, that's not fair to you, the reader. After all, people are mostly pretty good to one another and prize compassion, and many of us have seen people who are struggling to get by dig into their pockets to help out, say, Indian Ocean tsunami victims. So I bet A lot of you looked at that and thought, how nice, a message for the Katrina victims. And once again, I regret misleading you.

So please check out that cache link so you can personally enjoy things like, "Let it be officially known that I can’t really muster up a care about the people of New Orleans....And now these idiots are costing me $2,000 per debit card." After all, people unfamiliar with Aaron Clarey's oeuvre probably wouldn't have expected something like that.

Although maybe they'd have known better if they'd read about how he's "getting mighty sick and tired of your greedy scum bucket parasites known as "the poor" who think you have it so rough when in reality, you don't pay a freaking dime for any government service if you're in the bottom 60% of income earners." (If you're wondering if you're a parasite, by the way, median household income in America is about $45 grand).

So, don't forget to check all this stuff out in the cache if you need to!

Friday, July 28, 2006

We apologize for the error!

Sadly, there have been no responses suggesting non racist interpretations for that Aaron Clarey (Captain Capitalism) post on Latinos below. But looking it over again myself, I gotta think, Peter (below) was right: when I linked to that post before I just said it was on the misogyny of Latinos, and that really misrepresented it.

In fact, a better description would be, it is a post opening with a textbook example of the classic racist trope of minority men coming to steal white women, imputes to them both misogyny and adulterous behavior, using statistics poorly to do so, and en route makes a typical Clarey swipe at the intelligence of women.

I guess I may have really represented it as much less bad than it actually is, largely because it's difficult to make it sound so bad when using the first-pesron satirical voice (since nobody really brags about being a racist.) Thanks, Peter; I'm glad I went back and re-examined that. If time permits we'll look at more old posts sometime this week.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Let's roll the tape!

So, there's some question over whether I have represented Aaron's posts well, since of course you can't see them right now. Perhaps it would be useful for anyone with question to go check out, say, this one, for example. (if you particularly need the chart, it can be seen, for example, here.)

What've we got, here? Aaron's got a problem: there's an equal number of white men and women out at his nightspots but there's three times as many Latino men as whites. Why is that, he wonders? He comes up with three possibilities. One: that mostly men are coming here from Mexico - somehow he knows these guys are in fact Mexican immigrants - without their "wives/girlfriends in Mexico (whilst they do their damnedest to score with a white chick)," which is the kind of great insight into the moral character of Mexican immigrants only Aaron can give since he knows they've got steadies back home and that the reason they go out to places that play the music they know is, of course, to score with white chicks.

Two: the Latin women are somewhere else looking for white guys. Oh, if only they knew where Aaron is!

Three: maybe "the stereotypes were true. That latin men treat their women like crap and that the latin women are really here, they're just not allowed to go out."

So Our Hero thinks over these possibilities, and finds a graph showing that among Mexicans in Mexico, about a quarter of women ages 15-19 (an oddly high number) are not working or employed. And which of those three theories does that support? [Aside: actually, none, since legal marriage in Mexico is at age 18 -- these girls are being kept home by their parents. But, continuing....]

So, he concludes, "as much BS as I hear the brainwashed suburbanite women of the Twin Cities metro opine how latin men are so romantic, I can only shake my head in pitiful humor that they think barefoot and pregnant is romantic." [Aside #2: actually, it might be: for whatever reason "romantic" is tied in with traditional gender role notions, it's not the same concept as "hot" or "sexy."] Yep, girls, when you see those Latinos you should be thinkin', he wants me barefoot and preganant. One can only wonder why they prefer Latinos to Aaron, who certainly thinks women should be active outside the home instead of staying home with the kids - or maybe not.

So, let's hear from y'all as to why this isn't, y'know, racist speech.

And, let's puncture some crap Bayesian arguments that are going to come up right now.

Firstly, if someone tells you, say, that blacks commit crimes way disproportionately to whites in America, that's not racist, it's true. If he uses it to suggest why there might be hiring disparities or why you might need special policing or educational solutions or whatever, that's interesting. If on the other hand he uses it to mock you for not looking at blacks and thinking, "criminals" ... that's something else. And if it's not even blacks in general but the blacks who hang out at, say, this particular nightclub ....

Secondly, it's not even the right set of statistics (a common Aaron problem). This isn't about Latinos or even Mexican-Americans. It's about Mexicans in Mexico. All they have in common with the people he has been talking about is, that they are co-racialists.

Let's hear the defenses, eh? I welcome them.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

A bleg?

Dear all,

If you asked a week ago I'd have said this blog has only one reader. None, if you don't coun guys who move their lips while reading. The recent spate of comments makes me happy.

But I don't really know that there's a lot to read now. This blog has gotten some hate speech pulle off the web and I'm proud of/happy with that. If more speech like that sneaks its way up, I'll have something to make fun of and I will. But compiling Aaron's male chauvinist comments sounds awful dreary, there's a lot and anyway if his blog at all represents his speech in person nobody really needs the help.

I know there's folks out there that like to go over to Captain Capitalism and make detailed point-by-point refutations of his nuttery but that strikes me as a colossal waste of time. Look, guys, there's real, published, repected economists from all over the political spectrum on the web and they are resonable, cordial, and wicked smart. Anyone reading Aaron Clarey isn't looking for real economics and you are around as stupid as he is if you're trying to convince them of anything. When some weiner who can barely read a graph tells you, "I've looked over the Earth's temperature data and it's obvious to me that the vast majority scientists studying this hideously complicated thing are complete idiots," then if you still take him even slighly seriously there's no real point in arguing with you. I'm leaving econ blogging to people who know what they're talking about. If only Aaron did the same. You want to see that stuff on this site, I'll give you keys and you can do it yourself.

So -- anything you want to see here? Let me know below. Otherwise posting's gonna get really rare.

Although, expect a long post Monday or Tuesday!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A special anniversary

Hey, all, it's a special anniversary here at the Aaron Clarey "Captain Capitalism" racism watch!

Exactly one month ago we received a letter from a real honest and for true lawyer (maybe) warning us that Aaron was going to take "legal action" unless this blog came down. And, well, not wanting to disappoint the fanbase - here we are! But since then, nothing. Not a peep, but for the comment below. Such a shame, because Aaron Clarey speaks words of great wisdom (when they aren't, y'know, hate speech) and we really wanted to meet him in person. There're all kinds of deep questions he could've answered for us, like for example:
  • How big a failure does a human have to be, to bitch out people who lost their families, homes and jobs in a storm for taking government aid, but then to run to the law like a baby to try to protect himself from the consequences of his own speech?
  • Where does a guy who bashes trial lawyers get off playing games with frivolous suits?
  • Somebody gets worried because he said some things he wishes he hadn't. Instead of taking responsibility like an adult, he tries like hell to edit what he said out of history, to silence anyone who points out what he said, and to bully and intimidate yours truly for noting it. Does that sound like someone who should be attacking communists and fascists to you? Or does it sould like a pathetic Stalin wannabe?
  • And, what kind of loser tries to earn his bread sliming minorities? Oh, wait, I guess I know that already: the kind that goes and slimes other peoples toddlers down below! Excellent!
  • And, hey, what happened to "Batfink" and "CaptainCool" and "Sanjay" and "Ricardo Juan?" Just how many people is Aaron censoring to try to cover up his ignorance and racism? Like reading Pravda....

I'm still laughing at you, you pathetic, ignorant little man.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Still on the burner

So, I here at Aaron Clarey racist watch world headquarters we keep getting questions: what about all the sexist/misogynist posts? You said you were going to do something on that! And the answer is, there's more than one kind of chauvinism and we'd sure like to get round to it. But here's the thing: there's a heck of a lot of those posts. It's like, a third of the Captian Capitalism weblog. We'd need to get some kind of intern over here. And I don't even have a humidor! So, hang in there. It's coming.

We have a very special anniversary coming up on 19 July, too, so, wait wait wait, all you kiddies out there!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

It takes a lot of courage!

Hey, all, don't forget to check out the comments below to see Aaron Clarey, aka Captain Capitalism, purveyor of hate speech, attack a little girl! His manliness astounds! I'd never dare do the same! That must be why he can attack minorities and women too!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

More quantum phenomena -- this is cool!

Hey, boys n' girls, we've noted here before that very often when we put up a link to posts of Aaron Clarey's describing some of his thoughts on people of different races or ethniities or ideas, those posts get deleted off of "Captain Capitalism" within hours -- almost like he's ashamed of hate speech in them, or afraid that less enlightened souls -- y'know, people not qualified to be radio personalities -- will see them, or something like that, though it's really a special quantum entanglement phenomenon.

Well, sometimes when the post contains a lot of bloviation Aaron might be proud of, what happens instead is, the post isn't immediately deleted but the link changes. That happened within hours from that "Mysterian" post we mentioned below, where Aaron thoughtfully and insightfully explains how the NAACP and people who complain about racial inequality, are muchlike spoiled children, and have never had to work. That's an even stranger thing, isn't it? I bet it requires a lot of math to describe.

Anyway: I just thought that was pretty neat.

UPDATE: Oopsie, and now the link's chnged again, after a brief disappearance.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Clarey on racial advocacy and other activism

I think we have a winner here at the Aaron Clarey watch for Aaron's stupidest post ever. It's a strange, eerily Marxist screed on how some people want to contribute to society while others -- generally spoiled children of the upper class -- seek instead to do nothing and hold back the actually productive workers.

But, hey, let's stay focused on the language that we focus on here. Here, Aaron talks about activits (he calls them "Mysterians") --
" would seem only spoiled children can be Mysterians ... a system has been installed in our society that allows people (wealthy or not) the option of never having to get a real job....

...the ulterior motive is nothing as noble as protecting the environment or advancing the well-being of women. It's not about eliminating racism. It's not about the ethical treatment of animals. The only thing it's about is the Mysterian....

That is why you'll never see the NAACP or Jesse Jackson even admit to an improvement in race relations."

Heady stuff. By accusing racial advocacy groups of a ridiculous proposition which they don't in fact say (nobody's going to argue that things haven't improved since, say, slavery, or outright Jim Crow, or the inability of racial minorities to be a political force), he tries to trivialize and discredit activists now. Those activists being, apparently (and to my surprise) basically privileged folk who don't know from real work. Following into the comments, you can see the commenters expanding the point: Nothing for racial equality advocates to do, if they'd only admit that things have gotten better. Classic! The sheep are all in line.

And of course, there is nothing for racial equality advocates to do. It isn't like public figures who broadcast regularly on the radio are sliming minorities wholesale on the Web anywhere!

So Aaron gives us examples of "The Mystery" -- the "cardiac arrest inducing" lies activists propagate, like, oh, global warming, or,
"You are poor and your life sucks because of racist, sexist white men."

So remember Aaron's wisdom, and diregard anyone who bitches that he's losing out because of bigotry. Like, oh, the kind you can hear from Mr. Clarey.

Friday, June 30, 2006

How does this happen?

Sometimes I get asked, hey, enough with the parody here. Nobody agrues that posts about how Latinos are wife-beaters, or how a positive image of blacks helps the socialist agenda, are stone-cold racist. But (they ask), how does a racist like Aaron Clarey, become a public figure, with a radio show and everything? I mean, people are basically decent, and nobody supports that kind of statement. So, what gives?

Basically Aaron Clarey's trick is, he uses the old dodge of, sure I use the racist stuff for money and publicity, but, I'm no racist deep in my heart. And while that doesn't pass the common sense test since it's still doing harm to the minorities, Aaron still goes to sleep saying, hey, I said that Latino Americans were woman-abusers, but it's not like I called anyone a "spic" or a "nigger." So I'm good!

But let's look at some of Aaron's writings which aren't, ostensibly, on race, and see how his attitude bleeds through. Consider this one on the French student riots. Aaron shows a picture of rioters attacking a passerby during the student riots against a new French labor law. He captions it, noting that in France, "black people will kick the piss out of your door to door salesmen as long as he's white." It is revealing of Aaron's assumptions, and way of seeing the world, that he sees the photo that way; I suspect, following the link, your conlcusion will be different.

Let's pick a couple more. In this post Aaron first replies to a commenter, calling him -- although neither the commenter's sexual orientation nor nationality are known --- a "gay little Indian." It is again revealing where Aaron leaps for insults.

Lastly, there's this gem, which we have mined before. Here, Aaron links to a sad story about an 11-year old heavily smoking girl, who became pregnant on a drunken night out with friends.

What's funny here is, he titles the post "This is not Africa!" and bemoans "deteriorating standards in the West" and cultural diversity. Now, scietifically this makes little sense (since girls in poor countries tend to reach physical puberty later than in the West). And socially it makes little sense either: the fates of young girls in the developing world can be awful but the absence of parenting and the late nights out drinking and smoking with the guys would appear to be a Western problem, no?

But for Aaron, the world isn't like that: he likes in a primitive, crude world where racial "others" are somehow inherently bad as these posts suggest: he fears the hatred of the minority (seeing black-on-white violence as his filter), he jumps there for insult ("gay, Indian"), and he sees the racial "other" as the metaphor for all depraved or licentious behavior ("this is not Africa!")

These might be interesting things to discuss with him on his radio show!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Just thinkin'...

Y'know, I often think this, but, it really comes back to you the day after you find out that a Specialist was gunned down in an incident where two Privates, First Class were kidnapped, tortured, and killed, their bodies mutilated, as they set about the business of serving the country to the best of their ability:

What kind of contempt for the military and cluelessness about their sacrifices, does it take for some nutjob to award himself the title "Captain?"

Just wondering.

Oh, hey, let's not forget this post from Aaron about the "sexually inadequate and thus overcompensating men of Islam." Gotta keep nailing that racist language.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Oh, and hey

We'll be all fun and games again soon. When I get time I'm going to compile some old treasures on women's understanding of economics. So hang in there, ladies!

Bring it!

Friends of this blog tell me, Aaron is thinking of getting serious about quieting it. I love the idea. I can't think of any way of discussing what this blog has been parodizing without certain writings by little Mr. Clarey becoming public.

Like ones saying that the "MSM" conceals the extent of crimes committed by blacks, because somehow a more negative image of blacks would "hurt the socialist agenda."

Or ones wondering why women pursue Latino Americans, who are known wife abusers.

Or ones about how religious Americans should stay the hell out of social venues.

Or ones about Katrina refugees, or gays, or....

Well, let's just say stories like "local man seeks legal protection to make bigoted speech sort-of anonymously" fulfill this weblog's mission much better than the weblog does, and I'm glad Aaron wants to do our work for us. This seems like one of those things where you lose, win or lose -- and it won't be win. Even someone who knows Aaron quite well has written that his weblog is racist.

After all, it's speech from slime like Aaron that force the next generation to deal with the problems that have plagued ours, and we have an obligation to deal with minor hassles in order to lift that burden from them. So let's hope he goes for it.

But, you wonder, surely even Aaron isn't stupid enough to publicly out himself as a racist, is he? Well, maybe not. But remember, he gets stupider when he gets angry: and right now, he's angry.

So, listen up, Aaron: I'm laughing at you, you pathetic little man. I think the idea that you want to scare me by threatening to out yourself, is frickin' hilarious! So pick up the phone, and bring it.

Monday, June 19, 2006


A friend of this blog has infromed us that, well, it's causing some distess. On the other hand, it has gotten a lot of hate speech pulled off the internet. And, well, it seems like people who use racist speech, ought to be aware it might catch up with them.

Never fear! We'll continue to keep those lins here, we'll just retread a little to make it clear that we're, well, keeping pointers to them here on the Internet.

For example, here's Aaron's post suggesting that gay men don't look manly.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Friday, June 16, 2006

Come ask Aaron in person about those posts!

Don't forget, Aaron's radio program is tomorrow AM 1500 1-3PM Central Standard and can be heard at

Call during the show at 1-877-615-1500 and ask him about how Latino men abuse women, or about the criminal tendencies of blacks, or the patheticness of the religious, or how Katrina victims and the poor are usless lardasses, or anything else you want!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hey, and screw all you religious people too!

Dont forget to go and read Aaron's thoughts on the religious -- not, mind you "extremists," but just the religious --- because it might help encourage some of you idiots to stay out of the social scene, and home in the nunnery where you belong.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Keeping the choir in tune

Notice how Aaron keeps fooling the stupid on his weblog. Recently he published this post, showing how the estate tax spiked during the great depression as a percentage of federal receipts.

Notice how Frank and doinkicarus stupidly share the idea that somehow the estate tax is caused by or causing the Depression -- in violation of what any reasonable economist will say --- and he leads them on in the comments. Nice, huh?

But now look at total federal receipts --- say, here. Notice how low they go during the Depression! So in 1936 -- about where that "spike" is in the estate tax data --- federal receipts are about a tenth what they are in the late '40's --- but the estate tax fraction was actually down about three times. You'd expect some rise of course, since the estate tax is going to have a kind of wealth hysteresis and also because during the Depression a lot of the mechamisms used to avoid the estate tax became less attractive.

And that, boys and girls, is how you keep the sheep in tune! That's why Aaron's the Captain.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Feminists = unattractive to men

Man, Aaron's endless plethora of romatic difficulties just reminds me of this old post, where he pointed out that the women's liberation movement has made girls "not nice anymore." Get with it, chicks!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Ha! Love Aaron's stupid readers!

One of the great things about the Captain Capitalism blog is it gets the stupidest right-wingers -- after all, smart ones can read real economists like Greg Mankiw. But they're foot soldires -- useful idiots --- so Aaron has to keep them in line, and it's easy 'cause they're stupid.

Consider today's post on global warming. Now, there's not many things Aaron knows less about than economics, but geophysics is definitely one of them! And frankly he's got not a clue whether you should be lookin' at Greenland or Swaziland or Queens, man: it's all the same to Aaron. But that's OK; the readers are dumb so he can snow them. He does that first by referencing data at a proprietary site, so the sheep won't go anyway. Note that in defiance of the site's request, he doesn't cite the data: that's OK, plagiarism is Aaron's bag. But that means the readers can't see the obvious: that basically, the data end 100 years ago!

Hilarious, huh? Almost the entire industrial revolution except fot the tippy bit at the right hand side -- that upward inflection -- is neatly cut out! He can show irrelevant data and the losers go away convinced (which is pretty much his trick anyway).

Then he throws in a snakry bit about the Earth's four billion year history (oh, so it's hot, huh? What about when it was molten? What about that, smart boy? and the sheep know what to bleat. Just like they bleat in code about blacks and stuff! Simple!

Monday, June 05, 2006

"Behind the scenes" action!

By the way, you all might not appreciate what a hard thing it is to maintain Captain Capitalism. Aaron has to delete out a lot of unwanted commenters who question his wisdom - not just the ones you know about! For example, "ricardo juan" got put on the neg list for questioning his assertion that Ronald Reagan was a Keynesian! Deleting that stuff wholesale is a much easier way to win the argument than asking somebody what a Keynesian is, and it keeps the blog pure.

Try it yourself to watch the complex filtering process in action!

Quantum entanglement phenomenon!

Hey, some people have observed that a lot of Captain Capitalism posts which really challeged the conventional wisdom regarding blacks, Latinos, Asians and Katrina victims which were referenced on this blog, got deleted off of Captain Capitalism, and they think Aaron deleted them. I can't believe that that's true; those posts were deleted entirely coincidentally because of an unusual quantum entanglement phenomenon I can't explain here.

You must believe me because of course if Aaron deleted those posts it would mean that he thought they were racist and not merely convention-defying, and so something he wouldn't want tied to his name and face. And if that were true, why, he'd be the lowest, most repulsive form of human: someone who indulges in speech that will help impair the next generation of America's minorities and hurt the country when it lines his pocket and gets him yes-men, but quickly hides the evidence linking it to him. And, given how damaging unthinking racism is to the country and the world, you might have to rethink what he told you about, just who is quite like a terrorist.

And it gets worse! You might have to rethink some things about his commenters, so quick to pour abundant vitriol on anything that smells vaguely of European socialism, but happily able to let those racist comments go. Especially those oh-so-bright ecnomics college boys, just clever enough to point out that they know the kind of speech they're reading, but studiously looking the other way rather than call it what it is, so they can keep discussing theory.

And I wouldn't want those misconceptions. So rest assured: Aaron never deleted anything, it's all a quantum entanglement dealie. After all you can still find other posts attacking the conventional wisdom, like this one where he points out that the bottom 60% of income earners are "greedy scum bucket parasites," since after all your moral worth correlates with your income. Believe me, I know a few of them! So, don't worry about the quantum thing. Heck, feel free to call Aaron's radio show any time to ask about those posts.

On an unrelated subject, did you know blacks and Latinos way dispropotionately make up the bottom 60% of income earners? Of course you'll never hear from the pathetic leftist MSM that blacks are poor; it might stall the socialist agenda.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Big time!

Wow, that's a lot of hits today, guys! I'm flattered. Don't forget to check out Captain Capitalism, although when Aaron has any particularly special posts like those daring, convential-wosdom fighting, anti-Communist ones about minorities I'll be sure to let you know about them here!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Fight the power!

As you all know, the PC police have forced Aaron to delete a lot of stuff off of his Captain Capitalism blog. Fortunately Google archives that stuff in its cache, and I keep copies, because I'm sure Aaron is a man and stands by what he's written; I'm sure he'd want those words associated with the name Aaron Clarey forever!

In fact I hope some of them get broader circulation. For example, he wrote that great post --- see "First Post" below --- on how the Latino men swing dancing 'round Minneapolis were a bunch of misogynistic losers, and the Mexican women were stupid. Now, I really wish that had been seen by some of those guys. In fact, I oughta mail it to some area swing dancers right now!!! So I hope you guys see it, and if you've got a problem, well, screw you. And if any of you miserable brown wetbacks want to try to make something of it --- if you can get a break from dishwashing at Chipotle, that is --- well, you just go on and see Aaron Clarey and get the beat-down you deserve.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

More and more censorship!

Wow, now even more of those classic posts have been taken down! Damn you, evil PC censors!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Funny thing, but...

...some of the more daring racial opinions Aaron has voiced on his blog, Captain Capitalism, and linked below, have up and vanished quietly! Fancy that!

But remember, Google caches some of the URLs, and there are copies of those posts other places too. Email me and maybe I can get you one of your own, because they're classics.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

First Post

Hi, welcome to the Aaron Clarey watch. Aaron usually blogs under the name "Captain Capitalism," but I wanted to put links to some of his more interesting items here. So here are some of my favorites!

Defying the socialists, Aaron shows how blacks are more likely to commit crimes than whites here.

He speculates on why Mexican women ignore the tendencies of Latino men to treat them like dirt here; maybe because it's a crappy country as he explains here.

He posts his message to the Hurricane Katrina refugees here.

He worries about this country falling to the moral standards of Africa here.

He tells off those socialist unions that refuse to play sex kitten here.

He tells you everything you need to know about Muslims and chivalry here.

And importantly he exposes why the left is the same as terroists here and here!

Toodles for now; I welcome your comments!