Thursday, August 10, 2006

A quickie

Hey -- one of our correspondents here at the Watch dragged us over to look at Aaron's latest (PDF). And is going to bug us until we post. So, yeah, three points:
  • What the hell is wrong with the word "Alleged?" Does Aaron Clarey know something nobody else does?
  • The other bit singled out for special notice is, "We ... urge law enforcement authorities and elected officials to caution against stereotyping entire religious or ethnic groups...." Because of course "Captian Capitlaism" Aaron Clarey knows you've gotta be able to stereotype entire religious or ethnic groups.
  • "We're Sorry"? That's right, Aaron. If a nominal member of your religious/ethnic group does something wrong, you'd better apologize immediately. Because the whole ethnic group has done something wrong! Everybody knows that! Man, I'm still pissed that the blacks around here haven't all apologized to me personally over that OJ thing!
Now, get off my back, correspondent, I'm busy.

UPDATE: Hee, hee! As is PILM Aaron's tradition when we cotton on to his racist speech here, he has now changed the link repeatedly. But you have the PDF....


Captain Capitalism said...


Anybody home??????

Captain Capitalism said...

We could almost commandeer this web site. Leave posts for the few people that come here.

Clarey watcher said...

Still haven't figured out about weekends, Aaron?

Sorry, guys, your comments are an essential part of the site -- people can come laugh at the fools. But nobody on the Clareywatch team is free to do site maintenance and tend the monkey house 'til late October, so, no toy for you for now. Check back.