Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Back to the tape

Re-examining the Google cache on that post about Latino Americans was, I think informative and fun, wasn't it? Let's try another post.

Just after the government issued Katrina refugees $2000 debit cards to cover
emergency expenses, Aaron posted this, his only statement on the subject.

All I said about it in the satiric part of the blog was, it was Aaron's "message to the Hurricane Katrina refugees." And in retrospect, that's not fair to you, the reader. After all, people are mostly pretty good to one another and prize compassion, and many of us have seen people who are struggling to get by dig into their pockets to help out, say, Indian Ocean tsunami victims. So I bet A lot of you looked at that and thought, how nice, a message for the Katrina victims. And once again, I regret misleading you.

So please check out that cache link so you can personally enjoy things like, "Let it be officially known that I can’t really muster up a care about the people of New Orleans....And now these idiots are costing me $2,000 per debit card." After all, people unfamiliar with Aaron Clarey's oeuvre probably wouldn't have expected something like that.

Although maybe they'd have known better if they'd read about how he's "getting mighty sick and tired of your greedy scum bucket parasites known as "the poor" who think you have it so rough when in reality, you don't pay a freaking dime for any government service if you're in the bottom 60% of income earners." (If you're wondering if you're a parasite, by the way, median household income in America is about $45 grand).

So, don't forget to check all this stuff out in the cache if you need to!

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