When the elected legislature spends money on public works, in particular on public transportation, after hearing out specialists and public debate, you should look closely at the publicly available details of the finances, because rest assured the project is wasteful and stupid.
But when a totalitarian, unelected government spends money and commandeers private property for a public works project, in particular public transportation, without showing anyone anything and releasing what are generally understood to be doctored figures about the project's success, it's the right decision, and it's brilliant.
Incidentally, here at the Clareywatch, where we can't spray a seltzer bottle down the hall without soaking a bunch of atmospheric scientists Busby-Berkeley-style, we've been having a lot of fun with the latest batch of Clarey attempts to sound like a scientist - even appealing to "John Stossel" (no doubt quite the geophysicist) to refute the overwhelming consensus of the people who generate the data Clarey posts and to call, say, The Economist "idiots." Now we've talked on this before, and are getting requests to do so again, but, look - go talk to someone credible. Anyone looking to a guy who can't even read the graphs in his own purported area of expertise, to explain this stuff, is stewing in his/her own drool. Sorry, fanbase.
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