Friday, September 22, 2006

Another brilliant research tip from Aaron Clarey!

Fascinating to see Aaron commenting on a movie about Muslims here and here and repeatedly bringing up the comments of a three year old girl to prove "how effed up these people are." Which is a pretty strong statement about a three year old girl but we already know Aaron doesn't shy from that kind of thing.

Now, as it happens, one of the principals here at the Clarey Watch knows a thing or two about three year old girls. And, they'll say anything. Ask 'em where hair comes from, some time - fascinating. They don't know what "kill" or "dead" mean - bless 'em - and have every kind of crazy idea there is. So there's a useful tip from Aaron! You want to prove something, anything, to support any thesis whatsoever: interview a three year old, then hold her up as "fucked up." It's a surefire research tool.

Probably even works for bigots!

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