Thursday, September 21, 2006

First, shoot the fish in the barrel

Of course, when "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey decides to go post in backface, how're we gonna let that go? So don't miss this post (or the PDF here) where Aaron puts on the voice of an imaginary reader:
Captain Capitalism Reader #3 – "Yo man. So I was like hangin with my homies and word up g, get dis. Al Sharpton comes up to me and says, "you know prices are coming down just because Bush wants his cronies getting re-elected." And I was like, "whoa, step-off man! That’s like crazy freaky sh!t because my man Captain Capitalism predicted you leftist perps would be push that sh!t on us, thinking we was some dumb flock o’ sheep willing to be brainwashed and follow you anywhere. Next thing you know you’d be saying some girl was raped by a bunch of white cops when she wasn’t. I owe it to my main man Captain C for keeping in the truth. Thanks Captain!"

Because, it's funny to make fun of how minorities talk! I certainly hope we get an Aaron Clarey rendition of Stepin Fechit! (and, you just gotta believe he does a good one!)

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