Friday, July 28, 2006

We apologize for the error!

Sadly, there have been no responses suggesting non racist interpretations for that Aaron Clarey (Captain Capitalism) post on Latinos below. But looking it over again myself, I gotta think, Peter (below) was right: when I linked to that post before I just said it was on the misogyny of Latinos, and that really misrepresented it.

In fact, a better description would be, it is a post opening with a textbook example of the classic racist trope of minority men coming to steal white women, imputes to them both misogyny and adulterous behavior, using statistics poorly to do so, and en route makes a typical Clarey swipe at the intelligence of women.

I guess I may have really represented it as much less bad than it actually is, largely because it's difficult to make it sound so bad when using the first-pesron satirical voice (since nobody really brags about being a racist.) Thanks, Peter; I'm glad I went back and re-examined that. If time permits we'll look at more old posts sometime this week.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Let's roll the tape!

So, there's some question over whether I have represented Aaron's posts well, since of course you can't see them right now. Perhaps it would be useful for anyone with question to go check out, say, this one, for example. (if you particularly need the chart, it can be seen, for example, here.)

What've we got, here? Aaron's got a problem: there's an equal number of white men and women out at his nightspots but there's three times as many Latino men as whites. Why is that, he wonders? He comes up with three possibilities. One: that mostly men are coming here from Mexico - somehow he knows these guys are in fact Mexican immigrants - without their "wives/girlfriends in Mexico (whilst they do their damnedest to score with a white chick)," which is the kind of great insight into the moral character of Mexican immigrants only Aaron can give since he knows they've got steadies back home and that the reason they go out to places that play the music they know is, of course, to score with white chicks.

Two: the Latin women are somewhere else looking for white guys. Oh, if only they knew where Aaron is!

Three: maybe "the stereotypes were true. That latin men treat their women like crap and that the latin women are really here, they're just not allowed to go out."

So Our Hero thinks over these possibilities, and finds a graph showing that among Mexicans in Mexico, about a quarter of women ages 15-19 (an oddly high number) are not working or employed. And which of those three theories does that support? [Aside: actually, none, since legal marriage in Mexico is at age 18 -- these girls are being kept home by their parents. But, continuing....]

So, he concludes, "as much BS as I hear the brainwashed suburbanite women of the Twin Cities metro opine how latin men are so romantic, I can only shake my head in pitiful humor that they think barefoot and pregnant is romantic." [Aside #2: actually, it might be: for whatever reason "romantic" is tied in with traditional gender role notions, it's not the same concept as "hot" or "sexy."] Yep, girls, when you see those Latinos you should be thinkin', he wants me barefoot and preganant. One can only wonder why they prefer Latinos to Aaron, who certainly thinks women should be active outside the home instead of staying home with the kids - or maybe not.

So, let's hear from y'all as to why this isn't, y'know, racist speech.

And, let's puncture some crap Bayesian arguments that are going to come up right now.

Firstly, if someone tells you, say, that blacks commit crimes way disproportionately to whites in America, that's not racist, it's true. If he uses it to suggest why there might be hiring disparities or why you might need special policing or educational solutions or whatever, that's interesting. If on the other hand he uses it to mock you for not looking at blacks and thinking, "criminals" ... that's something else. And if it's not even blacks in general but the blacks who hang out at, say, this particular nightclub ....

Secondly, it's not even the right set of statistics (a common Aaron problem). This isn't about Latinos or even Mexican-Americans. It's about Mexicans in Mexico. All they have in common with the people he has been talking about is, that they are co-racialists.

Let's hear the defenses, eh? I welcome them.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

A bleg?

Dear all,

If you asked a week ago I'd have said this blog has only one reader. None, if you don't coun guys who move their lips while reading. The recent spate of comments makes me happy.

But I don't really know that there's a lot to read now. This blog has gotten some hate speech pulle off the web and I'm proud of/happy with that. If more speech like that sneaks its way up, I'll have something to make fun of and I will. But compiling Aaron's male chauvinist comments sounds awful dreary, there's a lot and anyway if his blog at all represents his speech in person nobody really needs the help.

I know there's folks out there that like to go over to Captain Capitalism and make detailed point-by-point refutations of his nuttery but that strikes me as a colossal waste of time. Look, guys, there's real, published, repected economists from all over the political spectrum on the web and they are resonable, cordial, and wicked smart. Anyone reading Aaron Clarey isn't looking for real economics and you are around as stupid as he is if you're trying to convince them of anything. When some weiner who can barely read a graph tells you, "I've looked over the Earth's temperature data and it's obvious to me that the vast majority scientists studying this hideously complicated thing are complete idiots," then if you still take him even slighly seriously there's no real point in arguing with you. I'm leaving econ blogging to people who know what they're talking about. If only Aaron did the same. You want to see that stuff on this site, I'll give you keys and you can do it yourself.

So -- anything you want to see here? Let me know below. Otherwise posting's gonna get really rare.

Although, expect a long post Monday or Tuesday!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A special anniversary

Hey, all, it's a special anniversary here at the Aaron Clarey "Captain Capitalism" racism watch!

Exactly one month ago we received a letter from a real honest and for true lawyer (maybe) warning us that Aaron was going to take "legal action" unless this blog came down. And, well, not wanting to disappoint the fanbase - here we are! But since then, nothing. Not a peep, but for the comment below. Such a shame, because Aaron Clarey speaks words of great wisdom (when they aren't, y'know, hate speech) and we really wanted to meet him in person. There're all kinds of deep questions he could've answered for us, like for example:
  • How big a failure does a human have to be, to bitch out people who lost their families, homes and jobs in a storm for taking government aid, but then to run to the law like a baby to try to protect himself from the consequences of his own speech?
  • Where does a guy who bashes trial lawyers get off playing games with frivolous suits?
  • Somebody gets worried because he said some things he wishes he hadn't. Instead of taking responsibility like an adult, he tries like hell to edit what he said out of history, to silence anyone who points out what he said, and to bully and intimidate yours truly for noting it. Does that sound like someone who should be attacking communists and fascists to you? Or does it sould like a pathetic Stalin wannabe?
  • And, what kind of loser tries to earn his bread sliming minorities? Oh, wait, I guess I know that already: the kind that goes and slimes other peoples toddlers down below! Excellent!
  • And, hey, what happened to "Batfink" and "CaptainCool" and "Sanjay" and "Ricardo Juan?" Just how many people is Aaron censoring to try to cover up his ignorance and racism? Like reading Pravda....

I'm still laughing at you, you pathetic, ignorant little man.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Still on the burner

So, I here at Aaron Clarey racist watch world headquarters we keep getting questions: what about all the sexist/misogynist posts? You said you were going to do something on that! And the answer is, there's more than one kind of chauvinism and we'd sure like to get round to it. But here's the thing: there's a heck of a lot of those posts. It's like, a third of the Captian Capitalism weblog. We'd need to get some kind of intern over here. And I don't even have a humidor! So, hang in there. It's coming.

We have a very special anniversary coming up on 19 July, too, so, wait wait wait, all you kiddies out there!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

It takes a lot of courage!

Hey, all, don't forget to check out the comments below to see Aaron Clarey, aka Captain Capitalism, purveyor of hate speech, attack a little girl! His manliness astounds! I'd never dare do the same! That must be why he can attack minorities and women too!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

More quantum phenomena -- this is cool!

Hey, boys n' girls, we've noted here before that very often when we put up a link to posts of Aaron Clarey's describing some of his thoughts on people of different races or ethniities or ideas, those posts get deleted off of "Captain Capitalism" within hours -- almost like he's ashamed of hate speech in them, or afraid that less enlightened souls -- y'know, people not qualified to be radio personalities -- will see them, or something like that, though it's really a special quantum entanglement phenomenon.

Well, sometimes when the post contains a lot of bloviation Aaron might be proud of, what happens instead is, the post isn't immediately deleted but the link changes. That happened within hours from that "Mysterian" post we mentioned below, where Aaron thoughtfully and insightfully explains how the NAACP and people who complain about racial inequality, are muchlike spoiled children, and have never had to work. That's an even stranger thing, isn't it? I bet it requires a lot of math to describe.

Anyway: I just thought that was pretty neat.

UPDATE: Oopsie, and now the link's chnged again, after a brief disappearance.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Clarey on racial advocacy and other activism

I think we have a winner here at the Aaron Clarey watch for Aaron's stupidest post ever. It's a strange, eerily Marxist screed on how some people want to contribute to society while others -- generally spoiled children of the upper class -- seek instead to do nothing and hold back the actually productive workers.

But, hey, let's stay focused on the language that we focus on here. Here, Aaron talks about activits (he calls them "Mysterians") --
" would seem only spoiled children can be Mysterians ... a system has been installed in our society that allows people (wealthy or not) the option of never having to get a real job....

...the ulterior motive is nothing as noble as protecting the environment or advancing the well-being of women. It's not about eliminating racism. It's not about the ethical treatment of animals. The only thing it's about is the Mysterian....

That is why you'll never see the NAACP or Jesse Jackson even admit to an improvement in race relations."

Heady stuff. By accusing racial advocacy groups of a ridiculous proposition which they don't in fact say (nobody's going to argue that things haven't improved since, say, slavery, or outright Jim Crow, or the inability of racial minorities to be a political force), he tries to trivialize and discredit activists now. Those activists being, apparently (and to my surprise) basically privileged folk who don't know from real work. Following into the comments, you can see the commenters expanding the point: Nothing for racial equality advocates to do, if they'd only admit that things have gotten better. Classic! The sheep are all in line.

And of course, there is nothing for racial equality advocates to do. It isn't like public figures who broadcast regularly on the radio are sliming minorities wholesale on the Web anywhere!

So Aaron gives us examples of "The Mystery" -- the "cardiac arrest inducing" lies activists propagate, like, oh, global warming, or,
"You are poor and your life sucks because of racist, sexist white men."

So remember Aaron's wisdom, and diregard anyone who bitches that he's losing out because of bigotry. Like, oh, the kind you can hear from Mr. Clarey.