Sunday, June 08, 2008

Reader Mailbag

So here at the Clareywatch, we have a few friends, oddly, in the 82nd Airborne (which tells you that those guys're slumming nowadays). And, well, they were so damn fascinated by Clarey's posing as one of them while not apparently having much regard for them that said friends sometimes tune in to learn from Clarey's wisdom, and email what they find, so we don't have to go there (making this, apparently, one more thing the troops suffer on our behalf.)

Anyway, so, one of our correspondents emails in a huff over a comment by Clarey associated moron Mahan makes (PDF) about the Kent State shootings:

I am wondering if the Captain was at our alma mater when the 25th anniversary of Kent State was "commemorated" on campus? Yrs Truly chalked his own slogan of support and grieving for those noble souls on the Wash. Ave. Bridge to show his empathy and student solidarity; to wit, "You found out too early/ That dying ain't hard/ Next time don't throw bricks/ At the National Guard"

Now, our buddy is outraged because the National Guard in question fired at distant students for some unknown reason of great stupidity, and so half the people killed were bystanders going between classes -- and one of them was a ROTC cadet, shot in the back. Said correspondent sees this as emblematic of disrespect for the troops.

Far be it for us to disagree with Airborne Rangers -- hell, otherwise we wouldn't even post this -- but we disagree. For one, I can think of nothing more contemptuous of the troops than what Clarey and buddy Mahan do already -- play dress-up with military titles, but take none of the corresponding responsibilities. You want someone to call you "Commander" or "Captain" but you don't serve? That's all I need to know.

For another, I think the point is just wrong. Throwing gibes at the students killed there -- even forgetting that some were bystanders, just remembering the stupid action of the troops stupidly deployed where they shouldn't have been, when the protest itself was over the troops keeping action in a foreign country secret from Congress -- well, poking fun at those dead at a public requiem and then bragging about it afterwards requires a degree of sociopathy beyond which not much you can say matters.

So, sorry, AA's, but, we disagree.

UPDATE: well, of course, Aaron, the guy who points out that paying taxes on teaching salsa dance is morally equivalent to serving the country in war, counts up the costs of the war without counting dead, brain-injured, or maimed soldiers and their families (PDF). Big surprise.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Why Johnny can't get a job in finance

We don't usually go into Aaron's economic "theories" (NB you who keeps sending me that correlation chart about housing starts) but an old friend from Fair Harvard bids me tell you to go check out this (here's the PDF). Don't fail to scroll down in the comments where he "explains" it more, it's super cool! Evidently finance majors at UMinn or wherever don't have to take macro...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Take that, evil single moms!

Man, computer glitches are awful, aren't they? It seems "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey put up a post Friday telling those sad-sack single moms that their expectations were just too damn unrealistic for quality men like him. Damn straight! If your husband dies or beats you or whatever and you end up with a kid, ain't no way some fine fine hunk o' man like Aaron is going to be in your league, baby. But, funny thing, the post disappeared: we only heard about it here through the fine efforts of you Internet folk, otherwise we'd have been denied Clarey's wisdom. For anyone else not wanting to be so deprived, well, here's the PDF so you can read more of Aaron's great thoughts on women.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Clarey forces 'em to confront the white supremacist truth

Here at the Clareywatch, we get email. There's, like a bajillion whiners out there who've had their posts blocked by Aaron Clarey. Well, sure -- you try to say something that's some liberal stooopid piece o' crap, and damn right Aaron's gonna block it! To judge by what we hear here, Aaron's gotta stop a lot of leftist crud from appearing on the blog -- like he says here.

Fortunately, Aaron gets lots of commenters he does approve, whose contributions to the blog pass his strict standards. Like, oh, here, for instance, where he talks about Zimbabwe and a commenter comes back with:

You want to make leftists really uncomfortable? Tell them "Ian Smith was right". I've had several such conversations. You have to phrase yourself really carefully, but done properly it can lead to some really enjoyable lefist squirming.

(As it happens, a Clareywatch operative snuck in a response to that -- said operative tells us he's banned now, though. Good for Clarey!)

Yep, that's right! Force those horrid leftist to realize Ian Smith was right! Blacks should never, ever have majority rule! Not over (shudder) whites!

Aaron Clarey's "Captain Capitalism" -- always a source of truth and light, man. Ya gotta "phrase yourself really carefully," though.