Sunday, March 16, 2008

Take that, evil single moms!

Man, computer glitches are awful, aren't they? It seems "Captain Capitalism" Aaron Clarey put up a post Friday telling those sad-sack single moms that their expectations were just too damn unrealistic for quality men like him. Damn straight! If your husband dies or beats you or whatever and you end up with a kid, ain't no way some fine fine hunk o' man like Aaron is going to be in your league, baby. But, funny thing, the post disappeared: we only heard about it here through the fine efforts of you Internet folk, otherwise we'd have been denied Clarey's wisdom. For anyone else not wanting to be so deprived, well, here's the PDF so you can read more of Aaron's great thoughts on women.


Naham! said...

Yeeee-haaaw! Chivalry!

Unknown said...

Lol! Overly sensitive and politically correct much, AC Watch?? I don't see anything wrong with his post! How did you find this offensive???